
Chemotherapy is no picnic, as Lorraine Sevilla learned. Not only does it make you feel and look horrible, but it messes with your mind.

“The medical people call it ‘chemo-brain,'” Lorraine said, “but I call it my pea-brain.” An experienced quilter who has made dozens of quilts over the decades, Lorraine made the quilt pictured here while she was undergoing chemotherapy last year. Usually Lorraine designs her own quilts, but this time she bought a kit to make it easier for her “pea-brain.”

Her chemo-brain still had a little trouble figuring out how to put the pieces of the quilt together. She completed a few steps backwards and had to fudge in a few places to make everything fit. As you can see, though, everything turned out fine and the result is a beautiful quilt in rich earthy tones that celebrate Sonoma County’s harvest: wine.

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